GCTS Certification

G Mark/GCC Certification

What is the G Mark?

The Gulf Conformity Mark (G Mark) is a conformity mark for products categories subjected to the Gulf Coordinating Council (GCC) technical regulations, the priority for applying G Mark is for children toys and low voltage devices exported for sale in the markets of the Gulf Standardization Organization states.

Affixing the G Mark on a product is proof that it conforms to the Gulf standards and the relevant technical regulation, and it meets the quality and safety requirements.

G Mark Certificate Sample

The countries included in the scheme are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.

G Mark obtaining simple process:

  • Submitting technical documents, including instruction manuals, safety electromagnetic compatibility tests, etc.
  • The technical file gets reviewed, to decide on granting G Mark.
  • Once the G Mark is obtained, the mark logo can be labeled on the products.

Labeling Conditions

  • The Gulf conformity Mark should be affixed by unerase able labeling or printing on products.
  • It should be affixed at the last stage of product control.
  • It is prohibited to affix any other marks for a purpose of fraud or emulate the G Mark.
  • It is allowed to affix other marks on the products that ensure national or international standards, as long as there is no confusion with the G Mark.
  • The identification number of the notified body should be attached.

Responsibilities Conditions
The manufacturer or his agent or legal representative in the GCC markets is in charge of affixing the G Mark.
If it is mentioned in the GCC technical regulations the G Mark may be affixed by the person in charge of placing products in the GCC markets.

Declaration Conditions

  • The manufacturer or his agent in the states of the Gulf Council should declare that the Gulf Conformity Mark has been affixed after fulfilling the technical requirements.
  • The declaration ensures that products conform to the requirements and conditions stated in the GCC technical regulations, and the model is tested by a notified body.
  • The declaration should be kept for not less than 10 years starting from the manufacturing date unless the GCC technical regulations state otherwise.
  • The declaration may be in the form of a label or document.
  • If there is more than one GCC technical regulation applicable to the same product, a single declaration including all the fulfilled GCC technical regulations may be issued.
  • The declaration should be available upon request to be reviewed by the concerned control and market survey bodies in the member states.

If you do want to apply GCC/G mark, please feel free to contact to us.

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