Step 1,make one year valid product certification of conformity(PCoC)certification through saber platform.
Saber PC Certificate Sample
Step 2,make shipment certification(SCoC)according PCoC.
Saber SC Certificate Sample
The process for obtaining a PCoC is:
Importer adds product information on the SABER platform.
Importer selects CB(such as:ASTC) for issuance of PCoC and pays related fees.
The CB accesses the SABER platform to check for importer requests.
CB facilitates the conformity assessment process and liaises with the exporter for submission of all substantiating documents.
The CB verifies the results and uploads qualifying valid documents into the system.
PCoC is issued online in SABER,it is valid for a period of one year.
If a valid PCoC is confirmed, an SCoC is issued.
The process includes the following steps:
Importer sends online request, via SABER, to obtain SCoC for importing products into KSA
CB verifies if there is valid PCoC for every regulated product
If PCoC is verified, the CB confirms in SABER that it has been found to be true.
Importer pays SCoC fees.
SCoC is issued online in SABER, valid for that specific shipment only.
Add:1-208 YunHongZhiCheng, Wuchang Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China.