Saudi Certification

SASO Water Efficiency Label
SASO Water Efficiency Label
The Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) set on January 1st, 2018 the new water efficiency technical regulations and its Water Efficiency Label for a number of sanitary products and water flow control equipment based on the rates of water efficiency consumption.

Scope of SASO Water Efficiency Labelfaucets, showers, toilets and related products.

The Water Efficiency Label is owned and issued by SASO, it must be affixed on all imported or locally manufactured products intended to be placed in the market of Saudi Arabia.

Purpose of the Water Efficiency label
The main aim of enforcing the Water Efficiency label is to preserve water resources and reduce water costs for the consumer, it also ensures the conformity of the product to the technical regulations and the standards related to the environment and the safety and health of the consumer, in addition to controlling the non-conform sanitary products in the market. 

If you do want to apply SASO Water Efficiency Label, please feel free to contact to us.

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